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Auditorium (AUD) (Main Library: Third Floor) Capacity: 120

Auditorium (AUD)



Part of the original 1904 Ryerson Library building, this large auditorium has a raised stage area and adjustable lighting. Features include: 

  • Beautiful arched windows and intricate crown moulding
  • Various seating layouts, including Board Room (40 people), Classroom (40 people), U-Shaped Table (34 people), and Theater style (120 people)
  • Available equipment included with rental: Podium, computer station & laptop, projector & screen, microphones, sound board, and tables & chairs.
  • Rate: $325 (4 hours or less) + $75 for each additional hour or partial hour not to exceed $625


Reservation Process


The Ryerson Auditorium is located on the upper level of the historic Ryerson building at the Main Library. Take the stairs nearest the entrance. Alternatively, take the central stairs, or the patron elevator to the third floor.

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